Personalized Emails Are Key to Winning Persuadable Shoppers’ Loyalty

online shopping

When it comes to winning the loyalty of shoppers who can be persuaded by personalized offers, PYMNTS Intelligence research reveals, email proves to be a key tool for merchants.

By the Numbers

The PYMNTS Intelligence report “Personalized Offers Are Powerful — but Too Often Off-Base,” created in collaboration with AWS, drew on responses from more than 2,500 U.S. consumers to understand how they view the personalized offers and how these impact their choices of merchant.

graphic, how consumers want to receive merchant offers

The results revealed that, among consumers very or extremely likely to switch merchants if they were offered more personalized rewards, roughly two-thirds prefer receiving personalized offers via email. This makes email far and away the most in-demand method for receiving these offers among this persuadable group of customers.

The Data in Context

Today, personalization is at the top of merchants’ minds.

In an interview with PYMNTS last month, johnnie-O CEO John Collins CEO, discussed the risk that D2C brands face when they do not segment their messaging.

“We really want to make sure that we’re making the journey a consistent one for our longer-term customers,” Collins said. “Not sending the same messaging to them over and over again but making sure that we keep compelling content in front of our customers as they grow with the brand.”

Overall, online sellers are using AI to better understand customers’ wants by analyzing vast quantities of data and using the information to offer better search results, as Damian Rollison, director of market insights at online marketing platform SOCi, told PYMNTS in an interview that also ran in March.

“For example, AI algorithms can analyze engagement rates, trends, and hashtag performance, enabling retailers to optimize their posts for better visibility and engagement,” Rollison said. “Additionally, some are leveraging AI to create personalized shopping experiences directly within these social platforms, such as virtual try-ons or AI-driven chatbots that provide product recommendations based on user interactions.”